1255 Empire Ave. Park City, UT 84060
Ph. +1 435-200-0300
Perks & Benefits
Enjoy these added perks and benefits to being a Sweetwater Lift Lodge Owner! From vacation banking to vacation planning, we're happy to provide you with a memorable vacation experience and excellent customer service.
Vacation Banking
Can't make it to use your week? We completely understand! Modify your existing reservation for a different date within the same year or the following year for a fee. Contact Owner Services 90+ days in advance prior to your week use.
*Dates you can move your week to:
Week 17 - 25
Week 37 - 46
Vacation Banking Fees:
$80 - Move your week to another time within the same year.
$120 - Move your week for use to the following year.
Vacation Banked weeks can be used for Annual Reservations at Sweetwater Lift Lodge or deposited with an exchange company.

Contact Owner
Ready to move or vacation bank your week? Contact Owner Services and a representative will assist your request.
Future Weeks
Looking to deposit your weeks early with an exchange company? You can prepay your maintenance fees for the following year ahead of time and deposit the next year's week. Contact Owner Services to deposit your weeks early!

Friends & Family Use
Immediate family members can use your week at no extra charge! Simply contact Owner Services and provide the names of your family members.
For all friends and non-immediate family members who want to use your week, Owners Services charges a $60 Guest Certificate Fee. Please download and complete the form below to obtain your Guest Certificate.
Download Guest Certificate Form Instead